The Team

The Dentists

annw_thAnn Wardrop BDS, Principal Dentist

GDC Number:68191

Ann qualified from Manchester University in 1992 but has always been a Glasgow girl having been brought up locally in Rutherglen.

Ann has been the owner of EK Dental since November, 2011. With over 20 years experience in general dental practice she has a particular interest in smile make overs and cosmetic dentistry. 

Pauline Ross BDSPauline Ross BDS, Dentist

GDC Number:70484

Pauline qualified from Glasgow University in 1995. Pauline is very much a local, having been born and raised in East Kilbride. Pauline is hugely experienced in family dentistry and when not at work enjoys spending time with her own young family.

female-silhouetteGierthana Surendran

Dental Hygienist

Dental Nurses

anneclelland2Ann Clelland
Practice Manager

GDC Number 157065

Ann is originally from Islay and has been working at the practice since 2008. Originally a qualified dental nurse Ann has gained further qualifications and is now our Practice Manager.



Linda Wardropfemale-silhouette